
SWF&Co. Published Articles

Caribbean Gift and Craft Show- Regional Buyers Gearing Up for Caribbean Gift and Craft Show

August 20, 2001.Port of Spain-Trinidad and Tobago- REGIONAL and International buyers are preparing themselves for the much anticipated ninth annual Caribbean Gift and Craft Show which takes place at the Sherbourne Centre on September 20 — 23rd.Over 122 buyers from 67 companies from have already registered for the show.

According to Veona Maloney, Trade Information Specialist in charge of Exhibitor Facilitation, this early registration of buyers from across the region and internationally is very encouraging.

"We have had a very good response to our buyer mobilization with the efforts from everyone on the Planning Committee team for the Caribbean Gift and Craft Show. Last year's show attracted over 200 buyers from North America, Europe and the regional hospitality industry with 212 exhibitors. Considering the humble beginnings of just 39 buyers in 1994 to our projections of 250 buyers, we are very encouraged by the response" she said.

"The Caribbean Gift and Craft Show is an excellent opportunity to experience the creativity of regional artisans and to establish business partnerships. The principle objective of the show is to promote excellent indigenous art and craft to regional and international buyers", said Lynda Seon, Export Business Advisor with responsibilities for buyer mobilization.

According to Seon, buyers are exposed to a wide range of products including ceramics, pottery, woodcraft, aromatherapy/aromatic products, jewellery, decorative accessories, leather and basketry and gourmet gift packages.

This year's show will also feature a fashion show for the public and the buyers, respectively in "Millennium Expressions", a display of skillfully designed garments and accessories from regional designers.

To date buyers are registered from Anguilla, Australia, Aruba, Antigua, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Grenada, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, Bonaire, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad, UK, the US Virgin Islands and the United States.
