
SWF&Co. Published Articles

Chinese Embassy- Chinese Residents Mobilize Support for the Lady Hochoy Home

When the Lady Hochoy Home in Cocorite had to be quarantined because of a recent COVID-19 outbreak, one of the first persons to step up was Michael Chen, owner of the Dim Sum King restaurant in San Fernando, representing the T&T Association for Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China.

“I first interacted with the good people of the Lady Hochoy Home about 10 years ago, when China's First Lady Peng Liyuan visited the Home,” Chen explained. “From then to now, I and the Chinese community have had an ongoing relationship with the Home.”

The Lady Hochoy Home cares for persons with intellectual disabilities and has branches in Gasparillo, Arima, and Cocorite. The Home celebrated its 60th Anniversary in March. The COVID-19 outbreak, which was detected in early November, involved eight members of staff, 12 adult residents, and three children testing positive for the virus. The silver lining on this dark cloud is that all the residents have been getting delicious Chinese food since the quarantine was imposed.

“We’ve provided 75 cooked meals every day, in addition to water, juice, and other food supplies. We also donated sanitizers and masks,” said Chen.

On Saturday 13th, Chen and other Chinese residents visited the Lady Hochoy Home to hand over a washing machine, a dryer, and a microwave. Cheque donations totalling TT$111,270 was also given to Sister Bertill Dean for the Lady Hochoy Home. This was all through collaborative efforts by overseas Chinese Nationals, T&T Association for Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, The China Society of Trinidad and Tobago and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

“We are very grateful for these appliances,” Sr Dean said. “They were really quite needed and will make life easier for the staff and more comfortable for the residents.” Sr Dean also made mention of the memorable past visit by Madame Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese president Xi Jinping, in 2013. She said, “Since then, there has been an ongoing collaboration between the Chinese Embassy and the Lady Hochoy Home”

Sr Dean pointed out the wheelchair bus parked in the Lady Hochoy carpark which was donated back then by the Embassy. The Embassy has since then been helping with the insurance and maintenance of that bus which was donated by China. Earlier this year in June, the Embassy also donated food and other supplies to the Home.

Chen also called on other businesses to come forward to help the Homes. “I know that I, and the other members of the Chinese Community, feel a deep sense of satisfaction that we help these adults and children, who already face a daily struggle even in normal times. We hope other groups will also provide whatever assistance they can.”

He added, “It will always be our privilege to help those in need, particularly the Lady Hochoy Home because of the connection and trust we have built with them. Our organization is about giving and improving the lives of persons in any way we can. Our contribution to this Home has always taken priority and we will continue to help in any way we can.”

Anyone wanting to assist can call (868) 495-4714 or email