SWF&Co Celebrates 30th Anniversary!
About Our Company.
We are a public relations consultancy, which brings corporate focus to often-neglected areas such as image management, crisis management and corporate communications.
SWF&Co. provides a full range of Public Relations Services in Antigua, the Bahamas, Barbados, Curacao, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Croix, St. Lucia, and St. Thomas. These services include communications, events, crisis management, marketing, PR advertisement, government relations, Caribbean public relations, media relations, media monitoring, and public relations training.
We understand that many top executives are not comfortable with the 'softer' side of the enterprise - relationships with and among employees, relations with shareholders and investors, and relations with customers and suppliers. We have shaped our practice to enable companies to address these areas effectively and to assist them in building these capabilities internally if required, or accessing our services on an as-needed basis.
Contact Information
11A Gray Street, St. Clair,
Trinidad & Tobago W.I.
1868-374-5438 [M]
Our Services Include…
Event planning and coordination, (including conference planning), customer relations training, executive training and counselling, and individual employee counselling.
Being a preferred agency of Porter Novelli, SWF&Co has access to global resources that we utilize to serve our Caribbean and global clientèle locally and internationally.
Have a look at our upcoming and past events or keep up-to-date with our latest news.
SWF&Co's Weekly Client Highlight
* SWF&Co's Weekly Client Highlight

We have worked with many internationally recognized and accredited entities.
Our Clients Include…
Our Work Includes…
Our client IGT is a leader in global technology standards and has a heavy influence and involvement with youth learning.
Contact Us.
Use the form below to contact us. Please include your contact along with any specific document requests. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.