
SWF&Co. Published Articles


A horizontal hydroponics system installed at Court Shamrock Home for Socially Displaced Men in San Fernando.

PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO –  Tringlobe Media has gifted The Court Shamrock Home for Socially Displaced Men in San Fernando with a TT$20,000 upgrade for Christmas. Utilising 1 of 5 Digicel Foundation Media Transformation Grants, Tringlobe Media established a new hydroponics system at Court Shamrock which has enhanced the home’s capacity to grow its own food.


Court Shamrock was established more than 20 years ago by the San Fernando Regional Corporation and encourages its male-only residents to be as self-sufficient as possible. The men at the home have played an instrumental role in setting up the hydroponic units, with leadership and technical guidance provided by Key of David International (K.O.D.I) Greens and Young Farmers Food Production Limited.


With the new upgrades, Court Shamrock’s garden infrastructure includes horizontal hydroponics and a drip to waste vertical unit. It now has the capacity to reap 750 crops, mainly green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, chive, patchoi, celery and peppers. The produce will help offset the food bill at the home and provide the men with new skills in farming and technology. In the longer term, Court Shamrock hopes their produce can be an income generating stream for the men and the home.

Residents participate in the process of installing the new hydroponic units at Court Shamrock, with guidance from K.O.D.I Greens and Young Farmers food Production Limited.


The Manager at Court Shamrock, Gloria Coombs, said she was lost for words when Tringlobe Media approached her offering to implement the project. Over the past year, she had written numerous letters to corporate sponsors hoping to get support for this initiative. While she had received support from ADB for a water pump and Young Farmers to help with the initial installation, Tringlobe’s support was an answer to her prayers allowing Court Shamrock to complete the project. 


Tringlobe team member Wavel Fraser stated, “There has been a warm feeling among our team members since the project started.  Seeing the men’s interest, we know that this is the beginning of greater things to come.  We are delighted to contribute to their sustenance and add to their life-long learning experiences. Its potential for success is evident from its impact on the community.”


The Digicel Foundation issued the call for Media Transformation Grant applications earlier this year to encourage journalists and social media influencers to execute a community project during the holidays. Alongside Tringlobe Media, four other media professionals – Keron Bascombe; Christopher Joseph; Avalon Gomez; and Abeo Jackson and the OJO Breakfast party team – are well on their way to transforming their individual communities this Christmas with a TT$20,000 grant each from the Digicel Foundation. This TT$100,000 investment was made to commemorate the Foundation’s 10th anniversary.




Runako Williams films Wavel Fraser from Tringlobe Media to document the project’s progress as the new hydroponics system is installed at Court Shamrock Home for Socially Displaced Men in San Fernando.


About Digicel

As a Digital Operator, Digicel is in the business of delivering powerful digital experiences 1440 minutes of each day to customers – that’s every minute, all day, every day.

Through its world-class LTE and fibre networks, together with its suite of eight apps spanning sports (SportsMax), music (D’Music), news (Loop), local radio and podcasts (GoLoud), TV streaming, (PlayGo) enhanced messaging and marketplaces (BiP), cloud storage (Billo) and self-care (MyDigicel app), Digicel is the only operator in its markets that can deliver the complete digital experience.

Serving consumer and business customers in 32 markets in the Caribbean, Central America, and Pacific with investments of over US$7 billion and a commitment to communities in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, and Trinidad & Tobago, the Digicel Foundation has contributed to positive outcomes for over three million people to date.

With its Better Together brand, Digicel is promising “simply more” to its customers and communities as the company’s 7,000 employees worldwide work together to make this pledge a powerful reality day in, day out.


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Sandra Welch-Farrell