
SWF&Co. Published Articles

Chevron- TEXACO STAR MART:- Making a Difference in the Community

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 05, 2007: Texaco Star Mart retailers are giving back to the communities in which they operate and have pledged their commitment to the underprivileged in Barbados. One Hundred and twenty gift baskets have been donated to the elderly and underprivileged as part of the dealers' belief that business plays a vital role in the development of any community or country.

The hampers were presented at the Sunset Crest Service Station to several organizations who accepted the gift baskets to be re-distributed to those in need.

One of the persons behind the venture is Star Man Dealer, Mr. Don Layne. Together with the other dealers he felt it was important for Star Mart to give back to the communities in which they operate.

To reach those most in need, the dealers sought the help of various community groups in identifying the recipients. Several of these groups already had programmes which provided assistance to the needy and were happy to get involved.

                          Among the organizations which will be re-distributing the hampers are the Salvation Army, the St. James Anglican Church, St. James Methodist Church, Christ Church Parish Church Social Outreach Committee and Pinelands Creative Workshop.

Texaco's Retail District Manager, Raymond Samuels, applauded the initiative of the Star Mart dealers. He stressed the importance of 'thinking about others" and expressed his appreciation to the community organizations for their support in distributing the hampers to those in need.

This project also involved Hanschell Inniss Limited which partnered with Star Mart by providing discounts for the food stuff as well as putting the hampers together.

Samuels commended Hanschell for the role they played and noted their support.

The Star Mart Dealers and everyone involved in the donation exercise believe that "we are all products of the communities in which we live", and therefore "together we can make a difference."